The News Swap #5: 12/11 - New Breaks and Giveaway!

UPDATE #1 - Schedule for breaks has already been thrown off. Chrome Update is now coming out NEXT Wednesday. Triple Threads is now coming out on Friday. AG Combo Break will go on Tuesday. I'm still not feeling great and it still needs some filling. I'll post some SC/TTT Combo Breaks for Friday. That should be up on Wednesday.
UPDATE #2 - Two Combos have been posted for Friday Night! Triple Threads is releasing and we'll add a couple boxes of Stadium Club and make this one really packed with chances!
A light edition this week as my whole household is sick and I wanted to get the breaks posted for everyone. That way I can focus on shipping tomorrow and get fully caught up.
- Chrome Update Hobby Box Break - DELAYED!
- Singles now 65% off!
- New YouTube Video with more to come
- Giveaway!
Come back for frequent visits, should always be something for you to check out. Plus I'll make updates at the top for anyone checking days after posting.
Continuing the year end close while I bring in new stock for 2023!
No Code Needed
Did some card hunting yesterday. Come see what I picked up! I'll be working on a new singles video and a dollar bin video that should be fun. You can tell the cold is starting to come on in this one!

Congrats to Brandyn F for winning the next News Swap Giveaway! Check the video here
Check below for this week's GIVEAWAY!
Chrome Update hits shelves on Wednesday with their first Hobby Box release of the product. No guaranteed autos but they are in there and there is a lot of other cool stuff to hunt for.
Once #1 fills, I'll post a second 3-box break.
Highlights from our Heritage High Number breaks? We did quite well with Heritage considering it can be so hit and miss. We did track down both of our hot boxes and scored a J-Rod Error Variation...

Please join our Discord for more baseball chat, card chat, and daily discussions!

STOREWIDE SALE @ The Vinyl Swap!
One favor to ask, if you use eBay for purchasing singles and stuff. Please book mark this link for when you search and I will get a small commission from eBay. Doesn't charge anything extra for your purchase but will be an easy way to support the site. THANK YOU!

A great resource if you don't already have it saved. Blowout Card Release Calendar!
Please make sure to subscribe to TheCardSwap Channel! Feel free to go like a bunch of videos!
If you want to make sure I have your email address the newsletter and more updates, please sign up here...
Another Giveway this week. Another Hobby Box of Heritage High Number!

Comment below with a chance to win a box of Heritage High Number...
Who was the first player that you decided to officially PC?? Mine was Jose Canseco!
That's it for this week's News Swap! Like i said it's a shorter issue this week, but there's still lots to check out and look forward to. Shipping day tomorrow!
Thanks for reading...
- AB
The first auto I bought after getting back into the hobby in 2020 was Byron Buxton. Still my favorite of my Buxton PC today.
My first PC was Nolan Ryan. This was during the 80s/90s so it was mostly junk wax. Lol.
I didn't really get into the concept of PCing until recently actually, but one of the first guys who I tried to buy up as many cards of was Cecil Fielder. Loved his story and that he didn't fit the mold of traditional athlete! And he could mash!
I'm an Astros fan so Biggio was my dude back in the day, now that my son is obsessed with baseball and his favorite is Tuve-Bear it is Altuve. I call him Tuve-bear cuz he reminds me of an Ewok from Star Wars which intern reminds me of a cute cuddly teddy bear. Speaking of here is a fact- during the beginning of the post season he wasn't hitting 0 zip nothing. But during the ACLS a fan ran out on the field and hugged him. After the hug Altuve got hits. Therefore Altuve is fueled by hugs.
My first PC player was probably Ken Griffey Jr/Frank Thomas then Chipper Jones lol. I’m a Braves fan now of course!